功能: 保存py文件时, 自动检测代码规范与错误
- cmd命令行输入安装pip install pylint
- Sublime安装pylinter
- Sublime首选项->Package Settings->Pylinter->Settings-User, 粘贴下面的配置
{ // When versbose is 'true', various messages will be written to the console. // values: true or false "verbose": false, // The full path to the Python executable you want to // run Pylint with or simply use 'python'. "python_bin": "python", // The following paths will be added Pylint's Python path "python_path": [ "C:/Users/sheng/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36-32/python.exe"//这个地方写python.exe路径 ], // Optionally set the working directory "working_dir": null,//写工作路径 // Full path to the lint.py module in the pylint package "pylint_path": "C:/Users/sheng/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36-32/Lib/site-packages/pylint/lint.py",//这个地方写pylint/lint.py的路径 // Optional full path to a Pylint configuration file "pylint_rc": null,//这里不写都行,资源路径,具体如何用还不知道 // Set to true to automtically run Pylint on save "run_on_save": true, // Set to true to use graphical error icons "use_icons": true, "disable_outline": false, // Status messages stay as long as cursor is on an error line "message_stay": false, // Ignore Pylint error types. Possible values: // "R" : Refactor for a "good practice" metric violation // 重构为一个“良好做法”度量违反 // "C" : Convention for coding standard violation // 编码标准违反公约 // "W" : Warning for stylistic problems, or minor programming issues // 文体问题的警告,或轻微的程序问题 // "E" : Error for important programming issues (i.e. most probably bug) // 重要编程问题的错误(即最有可能的bug) // "F" : Fatal for errors which prevented further processing // 致命的错误,从而阻止进一步的处理 "ignore": [], // a list of strings of individual errors to disable, ex: ["C0301"] "disable": [], "plugins": [] }
功能: 交互式终端, 使用这个插件可以方便的调用终端调试代码
选择首选项->快捷键设置, 粘贴如下配置, 即可实现按下F5运行当前代码的功能:
[ { "keys": ["f5"], "caption": "SublimeREPL: Python - RUN current file", "command": "run_existing_window_command", "args": { "id": "repl_python_run", "file": "config/Python/Main.sublime-menu"} }, { "keys": ["f8"], "caption": "SublimeREPL: Python - PDB current file", "command": "run_existing_window_command", "args": { "id": "repl_python_pdb", "file": "config/Python/Main.sublime-menu"} }, ]
一个全功能的 Sublime Text 代码自动完成引擎, 同时提供跳转功能.